What I Teach
Details of the different types of classes and styles of yoga I teach are below.
Interested in practising but can't make it to one of my classes or not sure where or how to start?
Try a 1-2-1 session with sequences tailored just for you. Contact me for more information.
Yin yoga is a deeply nourishing and soothing practice where postures are held for several minutes. This targets the deeper layers of the body - the connective tissue, fascia and ligaments and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system helping to aid relaxation, reduce tension and improve mobility. It complements yang styles of yoga, physical forms of exercise such as cycling and running and the active lives that many of us lead.
It encourages greater introspection, can help to induce greater calm and inner peace and helps you to work with challenging thoughts and emotions. It also facilitates the free flow of energy around the body by targeting 'meridians' (the energy channels of the subtle body).
Classes are suitable for all levels and are perfect if you're looking for some quiet time out to sink into stillness.
Try my weekly Monday evening classes or monthly specials at Mandala Preston or my Friday evening monthly classes at Studio One Standish.
During the practice of yoga nidra, or 'sleep of the yogi' the body is invited to take deep rest while the mind stays awake but relaxed. You become immersed in stillness and calm as you enter a deep meditative state. You invite yourself to float on a cloud of sleep.
Yoga nidra can be practised by anyone and is a highly effective way to boost your overall wellbeing and find deep relaxation. It has many applications including dealing with insomnia, anxiety, stress, depression, PTSD, low energy and chronic pain. It requires no prior experience or special equipment; you just get comfortable and let the practice wash over you.
I've worked with people with a range of conditions including MS, cancer, anxiety and chronic sleep disruption and have witnessed first hand just how therapeutic and transformative this practice is.
In addition to workshops and courses yoga nidra is particularly effective on a 1-2-1 basis where the practice can be tailored to meet your specific needs.
Literally meaning 'to place in a special way, vinyasa is a dynamic yoga practice in which movements are linked with the breath through flowing sequences of postures. You'll strengthen, lengthen and balance while focussing on the movements to help you remain more present in and connected to your body rather than stuck in your head, ultimately allowing you to uncover a more relaxed state and greater sense of ease.
If you're looking for a little more challenge and have practised yoga before or you're of reasonable fitness, I offer 1-2-1 vinyasa flow sessions. Looking for a more relaxed-paced class? Try a gentle yoga 1-2-1 session.
......gentle flow yoga, restorative yoga, myofascial release, and chair-based yoga